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Here are some basic mouse action to navigate in the canvas.
Mouse and Trackpad Controls
Left click: select, interact
Right click: menu
Right click + drag: pan the canvas
Middle mouse button: pan the canvas
Scroll wheel or trackpad: pan up, down, left and right
[Control^] or [Command⌘] +scroll: zoom
Pinch: zoom
Left click+drag:
On a Block: drag with mouse to move Block
On the plus button: drag connection noodle
On the canvas: box selection
Run Generation: [Enter] runs selected nodes
Delete: [Backspace] or [Delete] while any number of nodes are selected
Copy a selected node or group of selected nodes: [Control^] or [Command⌘] + c
Paste a node or group of nodes, or paste any media source: image or video
Control or Command + v